Lösungen zur Verwaltung von Windows Active Directory-Domänen
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IDEAL Administration
IDEAL Dispatch
IDEAL Remote
IDEAL Migration
Espace Reva
2 allée Josime MARTIN
Tel : 33 9 77 63 61 94
Faxnummer : 33 4 32 62 71 35
Tel: 33 9 77 63 61 94
Alle FAQs
IDEAL Administration
General information
How do I get in touch with Pointdev?
Can I update my current installation?
Can we manage W9x / Me workstations?
FTP access to the upgrades?
How and when can one reach your technical support team?
Many computers show a red cross: why?
Do you have an active directory management software in your tool range?
Is your software compatible with Windows 2008 / 2012 / 2016 / 2019 / 2022 Server ?
Is your software compatible with 64 bits Operating Systems?
What port numbers does your software need?
How to filter the domain computers?
How to get administrative rights?
How does it handle VLANs?
Why the software does not list all computers?
How to add a second domain in the interface?
How to restore my software configuration ?
What are the prerequisites for an optimal functioning of your software?
Why your tool is one of the best Windows Remote Administration Tool on the market?
How to configure your administration tool for optimal use?
IDEAL Administration and network security
How to export the information present in your software in CSV or HTML?
Software License Information
How do I move my license to another computer?
How do I apply my registration key?
How long are the licenses valid?
How many licenses do I need?
I've just received my key. Do I have to download a new version?
How to consult my license's history?
How do I remove my registration key?
Trial Version Information
What's the difference compared with the full version?
Installing and upgrading our software
I've done the update and now IDEAL Administration raises an execution error
Is your software compatible with ATI Radeon 7500 graphics cards?
How to install IDEAL Administration on Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11, Windows 2012 Server, Windows 2016 Server (or higher)?
How do I update my current installation?
Why "IACmd.exe" and "IACmdSrv.exe" files are detected as viruses ?
How to configure your administration tool for optimal use?
How to configure the TightVNC remote control tool (screen sharing)?
How can I make sure TightVNC is secure to use?
How do I automatically install TightVNC on client computers?
How to send CTRL+ALT+DEL with VNC or TightVNC to a remote computer?
How to troubleshoot "VNC Authentication Failed" message?
I can't install TightVNC on two of my remote computers, why?
How can I optimize the use of TightVNC?
Can I take the remote control on a Vista computer? (and higher OS)
How can the configuration be modified on client computers?
How to troubleshoot "ReadExact : Socket error while reading" or "WriteExact : Socket error while writing" message?
How to troubleshoot "The VMRC connection could not be established because protocol version 3.6 or later is required" message?
How to troubleshoot "Failed to connect to server" message?
How to troubleshoot TightVNC error messages?
Which OS are compatible with TightVNC?
How to troubleshoot "SESSION_HAS_VALID_POOL_ON_EXIT" message?
Can I request for the remote user to authorize the connection?
How to troubleshoot "This server does not have a valid password enabled" message?
How to troubleshoot "The WinVNC service couldn't be correctly installed on XXX" message ?
How to manage Kaspersky Anti-Virus interface via the TightVNC remote control?
How do I install VNC server on Linux client computers?
How do I install VNC server on Mac OS X client computers?
How to troubleshoot "Server is not configured properly" message?
How to troubleshoot "The connection could not be established because the protocol is unknown (xxx)" message?
Why is the remote control very slow to initialize with Windows 10 (and higher) clients?
Why does the TightVNC Remote Control get stuck on copying files?
How to copy user account passwords between Windows servers or stations?
Can users be migrated along with their passwords?
How to change the local administrator's password on many computers?
How to create an ACT file from Excel?
To copy users along with their passwords, where do I have to install IDEAL Administration?
What exactly does transferring user passwords mean?
What prerequisites need satisfying when migrating user passwords?
Which types of password are migrated?
Migrating user passwords from and to Windows 2003 and XP
Migrating user passwords from and to Windows 2008, Vista and 7
Windows Exchange Management
Can I administer my Exchange 2000 servers from IDEAL Administration version 4.2?
What are the administration constraints as far as Exchange 2000 goes?
How to manage database inventories of Windows Active Directory Domain?
Database format not recognized?
How to compact the MS Access IAx64.mdb (or IA.mdb) database?
How to share the same database?
How to make an inventory of the computer serial numbers?
How to automatically schedule a database export of the Active Directory objects?
How to list the mapped drives of a computer?
How to list all the local administators over our domain?
How to correct the data source selection request (ODBC) when launching the software?
How do I inventory software installed on computers in my domain?
How to extract information from database inventories?
How to remotely manage your Windows XP client workstations?
How to administrate a Windows XP station remotely?
How to remotely manage your Windows Vista client workstations?
How to administrate a Windows Vista station remotely?
Windows Active Directory object and security (ACL) migration
Can the various migrated objects be saved in a database?
How do I migrate printers?
Files and directories are not transferred when migrating
Group members are not transferred when migrating user groups
And what about personal files or folders with exclusive access?
How to manage the SIDHistory attribute?
How to enable/disable filtering for SIDHistory management?
I have a LSASS.EXE error during the password migration and the server restarts, why?
Session and File Monitoring
How to monitor the sessions and open files?
What are the errors generally encountered by our software?
How to troubleshoot the "System error 53 has occurred. The network path was not found" message ?
How to troubleshoot TightVNC error messages?
How to troubleshoot the "[1208] An extended error has occured" message ?
Many computers show a red cross: why?
Why is the remote control very slow to initialize with Windows 10 (and higher) clients?
What port numbers does your software need?
Why no client information are displayed or very slow loading on the "Windows Microsoft Network" view?
How to correct the data source selection request (ODBC) when launching the software?
How do I correct the error "Check that the 64 bit MS Access drivers are installed"?
Why does the TightVNC Remote Control get stuck on copying files?
What are the prerequisites for an optimal functioning of your software?
Why scheduled tasks of remote stations are not listed in your software?
How to set up a Remote WMI Connection?
Why system events of remote workstations are no longer listed in your software?
How to configure your administration tool for optimal use?
How to remotely manage your Windows client workstations?
How to administrate a Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 10 (and higher) station remotely?
Why is the remote control very slow to initialize with Windows 10 (and higher) clients?
Why no client information are displayed or very slow loading on the "Windows Microsoft Network" view?
How to administrate a Windows XP station remotely?
What are the prerequisites for an optimal functioning of your software?
Why scheduled tasks of remote stations are not listed in your software?
How to administrate a Windows Vista station remotely?
How to configure your administration tool for optimal use?
Configure and manage WMI properties
How to set up a Remote WMI Connection?
How to rename a computer remotely ?
How to change the IP address of a computer remotely?
How to add a WMI property in the list of computers in the domain?
How to manage printers and printer servers remotely?
How to troubleshoot the "Windows can't open Add Printer. Operation could not be completed" message?
How to troubleshoot the "Either the printer name was typed incorrectly, or the specified printer has lost its connection to the server" message?
How to troubleshoot the "Double check the printer name and make sure that the printer is connected to the network" message?
Why printers are not visible on remote stations?
How to centralize and remotely manage printers in Active Directory Domain?
Windows Security Center Management
How to remotely configure User Account Control (UAC)?
How to remotely configure Windows Firewall?
Video demonstration
How to remotely disable UAC and manage firewall using IDEAL Administration?
How to use multi-tabs to manage servers and stations remotely using IDEAL Administration?
How to use remote control feature with IDEAL Administration?
How to generate HTML reports from Active Directory with IDEAL Administration?
Software Presentation for IDEAL Administration - Centralized Administration for Windows Infrastructures
How to remotely administrate Windows computers using IDEAL Administration?
Windows Active Directory Domain Management
How to configure your Active Directory domains?
How to easily create Active Directory reports/audits in HTML or CSV format?
How to use Active Directory templates to automate object's creation?
How to clean my Active Directory domain by using "Reports" function?
How to clean SID History attributes from Active Directory?
How to wake up remote computers with the "Wake On Lan" (WOL) function?
How to centralize and remotely manage printers in Active Directory Domain?
How to take control of a Terminal Server session using Shadow mode?
How to add a WMI property in the list of computers in the domain?
How to add an Active Directory property in the list of computers?
How do I inventory software installed on computers in my domain?
How to audit user login history to Active Directory domain?
How to generate a report of the different operating systems of an Active Directory domain?
How do I create a user password policy report for an Active Directory domain?
How to export the information present in your software in CSV or HTML?
How to configure shortcuts on Organizational Units?
How to configure Remote Control Software over the Internet (Pointdev Remote Control)?
Is it possible to remote control a computer over the Internet?
How to configure the "Pointdev Remote Control" client part (admin computer)?
How to configure the "Pointdev Remote Control" server part (remote computer)?
How to configure my router (administration site)?
How to correctly execute our software?
How to run the software on Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 2012 Server, Windows 2016 Server (or higher)?
How to configure your administration tool for optimal use?
Windows Active Directory Reporting and Audits
How to clean my Active Directory domain by using "Reports" function?
How to easily create Active Directory reports/audits in HTML or CSV format?
How to clean SID History attributes from Active Directory?
How to audit user login history to Active Directory domain?
How to generate a report of the different operating systems of an Active Directory domain?
How do I create a user password policy report for an Active Directory domain?
How to wake a computer remotely using the Wake on Lan feature?
How to wake up remote computers with the "Wake On Lan" (WOL) function?
How to take remote control of a client workstation from a smartphone or tablet?
Computer Remote Control using a smartphone or tablet
How to manage RDP Shadow Connections (screen sharing) with or without permission?
How to take control of a Terminal Server session using Shadow mode?
How do I configure Role/Task Management?
How does role management work?
How to configure the software in role delegation mode?
How to create roles for software users?
How to perform Real-Time Audit of Active Directory Domains?
How to perform real-time audits of an Active Directory domain or subdomain?
How to configure Real-Time Audits?
How to view audited events?
How to stop real-time auditing of events?
How to configure a SQL Server Express or SQL Server database?
Why use a SQL Server Express or SQL Server database?
How to configure a SQL Server Express or SQL Server database?
How to create a filter on domain computers?
How to create a filter on a domain organizational unit?
IDEAL Dispatch
General information
Do you have a Windows software deployment tool in your tool range?
How do I get in touch with Pointdev?
FTP access to the upgrades?
How and when can one reach your technical support team?
Is your software compatible with Windows 2008 / 2012 / 2016 / 2019 / 2022 Server ?
Is your software compatible with 64 bits Operating Systems?
What port numbers does your software need?
Software License Information
How do I move my license to another computer?
How many licenses do I need?
How do I apply my registration key?
How long are the licenses valid?
How many licenses do I need?
I've just received my key. Do I have to download a new version?
How do I update my current installation?
How to consult my license's history?
How do I remove my registration key?
Some examples of deployments by using IDEAL Dispatch
VBScript Action: Deactivating the Firewall by running a VBScript locally
Command Action: Generating a report using WMI functions
Executable Action: How to remotely install 7Zip?
Executable Action: How to install CCleaner remotely?
Software Update Action: Installing the Windows security update KB923723
Software Update Action: Installing the Windows security update KB935448
Executable Action: How to play an audio file remotely?
Executable Action: Remotely installing Acrobat Reader
MSI Action: How to remotely install Office Professional 2003 with MSI?
MSI Action: How to remotely install Open Office with MSI?
Executable Action: How to remotely install PDFCreator?
Command Action: Running the DIR command
Command Action: Running the IPConfig command
System Action: Shutting down a computer remotely with a warning message and countdown
Uninstall Action: How to uninstall Windows Live Messenger in silent mode?
Software Update Action: Installing the Windows XP SP3 on your network
File Action - How to deploy the copy of a file in the same directory on all computers of your network?
File Action - How to deploy the copy of a folder in the same directory on all computers of your network?
VBScript Action - How to deploy the creation of a shortcut on the desktop of computers of your network?
Email Action - How to generate reports on each computer and send them by email?
Uninstall Action - How to deploy the uninstall of Open Office on your network?
Executable Action - How to deploy the installation of Open Office 3.2.1 on your network?
Executable Action - How to deploy the installation of Firefox 3.6.13?
Executable Action - How to uninstall Microsoft Office 2010 remotely and in silent mode?
Executable Action - How to install Microsoft Office 2013 remotely and in silent mode?
How to remotely manage your Windows XP client workstations?
How to administrate a Windows XP station remotely?
How to remotely manage your Windows Vista client workstations?
How to administrate a Windows Vista station remotely?
Network general errors
How to remotely manage your Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 or Windows 11 client workstations?
How to administrate a Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 10 (and higher) station remotely?
How to set a distribution on computers in a remote area?
How does IDEAL Dispatch work ?
How to deploy software on your network?
What information do I need to send to the technical support in case of error during deployment?
What is the difference between local and remote running?
Do we have to install "client" or "server" agents on the network computers?
How to erase all traces generated by the use of IDEAL Dispatch?
What are the steps of running a distribution?
How to limit network traffic when deploying a distribution?
Is it possible to schedule a distribution on computers that are not yet started?
Can we deploy an installation to computers that do not currently have an opened session?
Network errors usually encountered in our software
Why I have no installation report?
Many computers show a red cross: why?
How to troubleshoot the "System error 53 has occurred. The network path was not found" message ?
How to troubleshoot the "[1208] An extended error has occured" message ?
Why do I have an error on my installation report?
Why I have no execution report?
What information do I need to send to the technical support in case of error during deployment?
Information on the distribution server
What is a distribution server?
How to add a distribution server?
How to change the startup account of a distribution server?
How do I delete a distribution server?
Some information about distributions
What is a distribution?
How to create a new distribution?
How to edit a distribution?
How to define a selection of target computers for a deployment?
What is a distribution on stand-by?
How to change the opening mode of a distribution?
How to redeploy a distribution on a new selection of target computers?
How to schedule a deployment automatically and regularly?
How to archive and organize your distributions?
What are the different possible actions during deployments?
How to deploy a Windows update on your network?
How to deploy uninstall software remotely?
How to deploy the copy, delete, or edit of a file or folder on a network?
How to deploy an MSI installation file on your network?
How to deploy the execution of a command?
How to deploy the execution of a VBS script on your network?
How to deploy the execution of an executable "exe." file or script on a network?
How to deploy sending an e-mail?
How to deploy writing a message in the event log on all target computers?
How to deploy the shutdown, restart, log off or lock of computers in your network?
How to deploy stop or restart a service on your network?
How to deploy stop of a process on your network?
How to deploy the display of a message?
How to deploy the add or remove of a network drive on your network?
How to deploy the add, modification or remove of a registry key on your network?
How to deploy a delay action on your network?
How to deploy the modification of the UAC level on your network?
How to deploy the wake up of computers on your network?
What are the different filters available during deployments?
How to filter the selection of target computers of my deployment?
How to apply predefined filters to specific computers?
How to apply custom filters to specific computers?
How to modify the interaction between filters?
How to test the filtering applied to a selection before the deployment?
Video demonstration
Software Presentation for IDEAL Dispatch - Remote Software Installing and Uninstalling
Installing and upgrading our software
How to install IDEAL Dispatch on Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11, Windows 2012 Server or Windows 2016 Server or (higher)?
How to correctly execute our software?
How to run the software on Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 2012 Server, Windows 2016 Server (or higher)?
How to deploy software by keeping the UAC enabled on client computers?
How to deploy software or scripts while maintaining the UAC (User Account Control) of client computers enabled?
IDEAL Remote
General Information
How do I get in touch with Pointdev?
Do you have a remote control software or a remote desktop software in your tool range?
Can we manage W9x / Me workstations?
FTP access to the upgrades?
Many computers show a red cross: why?
How and when can one reach your technical support team?
Is your software compatible with Windows 2008 / 2012 / 2016 / 2019 / 2022 Server ?
Is your software compatible with 64 bits Operating Systems?
What port numbers does your software need?
How to filter the domain computers?
How does it handle VLANs?
Why the software does not list all computers?
How to get administrative rights?
How to add a second domain in the interface?
How to restore my software configuration ?
What are the prerequisites for an optimal functioning of your software?
How to configure your administration tool for optimal use?
IDEAL Remote and network security
How to export the information present in your software in CSV or HTML?
Software License Information
How long are the licenses valid?
How many licenses do I need?
I've just received my key. Do I have to download a new version?
How do I apply my registration key?
How do I move my license to another computer?
How to consult my license's history?
How do I remove my registration key?
How to configure the TightVNC remote control tool (screen sharing)?
How to troubleshoot TightVNC error messages?
How do I automatically install TightVNC on client computers?
How can the configuration be modified on client computers?
I can't install TightVNC on two of my remote computers, why?
How can I optimize the use of TightVNC?
How can I make sure TightVNC is secure to use?
How to send CTRL+ALT+DEL with VNC or TightVNC to a remote computer?
How to troubleshoot "VNC Authentication Failed" message?
Can I take the remote control on a Vista computer? (and higher OS)
How to troubleshoot "ReadExact : Socket error while reading" or "WriteExact : Socket error while writing" message?
How to troubleshoot "The VMRC connection could not be established because protocol version 3.6 or later is required" message?
How to troubleshoot "Failed to connect to server" message?
Which OS are compatible with TightVNC?
How to troubleshoot "SESSION_HAS_VALID_POOL_ON_EXIT" message?
Can I request for the remote user to authorize the connection?
How to troubleshoot "This server does not have a valid password enabled" message?
How to troubleshoot "The WinVNC service couldn't be correctly installed on XXX" message ?
How to manage Kaspersky Anti-Virus interface via the TightVNC remote control?
How do I install VNC server on Linux client computers?
How do I install VNC server on Mac OS X client computers?
How to troubleshoot "Server is not configured properly" message?
How to troubleshoot "The connection could not be established because the protocol is unknown (xxx)" message?
Why is the remote control very slow to initialize with Windows 10 (and higher) clients?
Why does the TightVNC Remote Control get stuck on copying files?
Database Management
How to share the same database?
How to correct the data source selection request (ODBC) when launching the software?
How to remotely manage your Windows XP client workstations?
How to administrate a Windows XP station remotely?
How to remotely manage your Windows Vista client workstations?
How to administrate a Windows Vista station remotely?
What are the errors generally encountered by our software?
How to troubleshoot the "System error 53 has occurred. The network path was not found" message ?
How to troubleshoot TightVNC error messages?
How to troubleshoot the "[1208] An extended error has occured" message ?
Why is the remote control very slow to initialize with Windows 10 (and higher) clients?
Why no client information are displayed or very slow loading on the "Windows Microsoft Network" view?
How to correct the data source selection request (ODBC) when launching the software?
How do I correct the error "Check that the 64 bit MS Access drivers are installed"?
Why does the TightVNC Remote Control get stuck on copying files?
What are the prerequisites for an optimal functioning of your software?
Why scheduled tasks of remote stations are not listed in your software?
Why system events of remote workstations are no longer listed in your software?
How to set up a Remote WMI Connection?
How to configure your administration tool for optimal use?
How to remotely manage your Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 or Windows 11 client workstations?
How to administrate a Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 10 (and higher) station remotely?
Why is the remote control very slow to initialize with Windows 10 (and higher) clients?
Why no client information are displayed or very slow loading on the "Windows Microsoft Network" view?
What are the prerequisites for an optimal functioning of your software?
Why scheduled tasks of remote stations are not listed in your software?
How to configure your administration tool for optimal use?
Configure and manage WMI properties
How to set up a Remote WMI Connection?
How to rename a computer remotely ?
How to change the IP address of a computer remotely?
How to add a WMI property in the list of computers in the domain?
How to manage printers and printer servers remotely?
How to troubleshoot the "Windows can't open Add Printer. Operation could not be completed" message?
How to troubleshoot the "Either the printer name was typed incorrectly, or the specified printer has lost its connection to the server" message?
How to troubleshoot the "Double check the printer name and make sure that the printer is connected to the network" message?
Why printers are not visible on remote stations?
Windows Security Center Management
How to remotely configure User Account Control (UAC)?
How to remotely configure Windows Firewall?
Windows Active Directory Configuration
How to configure your Active Directory domains?
How to add a WMI property in the list of computers in the domain?
How to add an Active Directory property in the list of computers?
How to configure Remote Control Software over the Internet (Pointdev Remote Control)?
Is it possible to remote control a computer over the Internet?
How to configure the "Pointdev Remote Control" client part (admin computer)?
How to configure the "Pointdev Remote Control" server part (remote computer)?
How to configure my router (administration site)?
Video demonstration
Software Presentation for IDEAL Remote - Remote Control Tool for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux
Demonstration video
How to correctly execute our software?
How to run the software on Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 2012 Server, Windows 2016 Server (or higher)?
How to configure your administration tool for optimal use?
How to wake a computer remotely using the Wake on Lan feature?
How to wake up remote computers with the "Wake On Lan" (WOL) function?
How to take remote control of a client workstation from a smartphone or tablet?
Computer Remote Control using a smartphone or tablet
Installing and upgrading our software
How to install IDEAL Remote on Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 2012 Server, Windows 2016 Server (or higher)?
How do I update my current installation?
Is your software compatible with ATI Radeon 7500 graphics cards?
How to configure your administration tool for optimal use?
How to manage RDP Shadow Connections (screen sharing) with or without permission?
How to take control of a Terminal Server session using Shadow mode?
How do I configure Role Delegation?
How does role management work?
How to create roles for software users?
How to configure the software in role delegation mode?
How to configure a SQL Server Express or SQL Server database?
Why use a SQL Server Express or SQL Server database?
How to configure a SQL Server Express or SQL Server database?
IDEAL Migration
General information
How do I get in touch with Pointdev?
FTP access to the upgrades?
How and when can one reach your technical support team?
Can "French" servers be migrated using the English version of IDEAL Migration?
Do servers and/or domains have to be connected together?
Do we have to stop the servers to carry out migration?
What are the situations in which IDEAL Migration can be used?
Where can I get a detailed explanation of the error codes?
Is your software compatible with Windows 2008 / 2012 / 2016 / 2019 / 2022 Server ?
Is your software compatible with 64 bits Operating Systems?
What port numbers does your software need?
Do you have an active directory migration software in your tool range?
Software License Information
How do I apply my registration key?
How do I find out what license I need?
I've just received my key. Do I have to download a new version?
How long are the licenses valid?
How to migrate a Windows Domain (NT or Active Directory) to a new one by using IDEAL Migration?
And what about personal files or folders with exclusive access?
Can I select what objects will be transferred?
Can the various migrated objects be saved in a database?
Files and directories are not transferred when migrating
Group members are not transferred when migrating user groups
How do I avoid the "access denied" error message when installing agents?
How do I migrate printers?
How to migrate from a standalone server to a member server?
How to migrate from Windows NT4 to Windows 2000 or Windows 2003/2008 without using an additional server?
How to replace a Windows 2000 PDC server by a Windows 2003/2008?
How to manage the SIDHistory attribute?
How to enable/disable filtering for SIDHistory management?
How to migrate users and stations to a new Active Directory Domain?
Installing and upgrading our software
How do I update my current installation?
How to install IDEAL Migration on Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 2012 Server or Windows 2016 Server?
How to manage Windows XP remotely?
How to administrate a Windows XP station remotely?
How to manage Windows Vista remotely?
How to administrate a Windows Vista station remotely?
Copy user account passwords between Windows domains or servers
What prerequisites need satisfying when migrating user passwords?
Migrating user passwords from and to Windows 2008, Vista and 7
Migrating user passwords from and to Windows 2003 and XP
Can users keep their passwords?
Network errors usually encountered in our software
I have a LSASS.EXE error during the password migration and the server restarts, why?
How to troubleshoot the "System error 53 has occurred. The network path was not found" message ?
How to troubleshoot the "[1208] An extended error has occured" message ?
How to remotely manage your Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 or Windows 11 client workstations?
How to administrate a Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 10 (and higher) station remotely?
Errors: Access Denied / Others
I have a LSASS.EXE error during the password migration and the server restarts, why?
I get an error "Access Denied" during the migration of the SIDHistory attribute
I get an error "Access Denied" during the migration of workstations
How do I avoid the "access denied" error message when installing agents?
Group members are not transferred when migrating user groups
Files and directories are not transferred when migrating
How to correctly execute our software?
How to run the software on Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 2012 Server, Windows 2016 Server (or higher)?
IDEAL Alerter
General Information
How do I get in touch with Pointdev?
How and when can one reach your technical support team?
FTP access to the upgrades?
Can I update my current installation?
Many computers show a red cross: why?
Is your software compatible with Windows 2008 / 2012 / 2016 / 2019 / 2022 Server ?
Is your software compatible with 64 bits Operating Systems?
What port numbers does your software need?
License information
How many licenses do I need?
I've just received my key. Do I have to download a new version?
How do I apply my registration key?
How long are the licenses valid?
Installing and upgrading
How do I update my current installation?
How does IDEAL Alerter work?
How to add an alert server ?
How to set installation properties of an alert ?
What is an alert in waiting ?
What are the errors generally encountered by our software?
How to troubleshoot the "System error 53 has occurred. The network path was not found" message ?
How to troubleshoot the "[1208] An extended error has occured" message ?
How to remotely manage your Windows XP client workstations?
How to administrate a Windows XP station remotely?
How to remotely manage your Windows Vista client workstations?
How to administrate a Windows Vista station remotely?
How to remotely manage your Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 or Windows 11 client workstations?
How to administrate a Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 10 (and higher) station remotely?
Examples of alerts
Forbidding the launch of Windows Live Messenger
Be warned by Email on system events failures
Daily copy and save a directory
Automatically launch Mozilla Firefox when a user opens a session
Log "WinVNC" service startup
Audit access to files and directories
Software Execution
How to run the software on Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 2012 Server, Windows 2016 Server (or higher)?
IDEAL Secure
General Information
How do I get in touch with Pointdev?
FTP access to the upgrades?
Many computers show a red cross: why?
How and when can one reach your technical support team?
Is your software compatible with Windows 2008 / 2012 / 2016 / 2019 / 2022 Server ?
Is your software compatible with 64 bits Operating Systems?
What port numbers does your software need?
License information
I've just received my key. Do I have to download a new version?
How long are the licenses valid?
How many licenses do I need?
Installing and upgrading
How do I update my current installation?
How to remotely manage your Windows Vista client workstations?
How to administrate a Windows Vista station remotely?
How to remotely manage your Windows XP client workstations?
How to administrate a Windows XP station remotely?
What are the errors generally encountered by our software?
How to troubleshoot the "System error 53 has occurred. The network path was not found" message ?
How to troubleshoot the "[1208] An extended error has occured" message ?
How to remotely manage your Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 or Windows 11 client workstations?
How to administrate a Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 10 (and higher) station remotely?
Software Execution
How to run the software on Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 2012 Server, Windows 2016 Server (or higher)?
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