FAQ : IDEAL Administration

Vereinfachte Verwaltung von Windows Active Directory-Domänen und Arbeitsgruppen über eine einzige Konsole

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General information

How to restore my software configuration ?

I must change my PC.

Is there a way to keep my current settings (tabs, TightVNC configurations, ...)?

Migrating your configuration can be done in two steps:

  • 1) Export settings

From the "File" menu, "Export settings", you can select which parameters you want to save. Then select the location of the "Export.exp" file, which you will use to import the settings on your new machine (eg on a USB key or a shared folder on a server).

  • 2) Import settings

Install the software on your new computer. Then, from the "File" menu, "Import settings", select the "Export.exp" file. You can select which parameters you want to inject into your setup.

Here is the list of parameters :

  • General configuration
  • TightVNC configuration
  • Remote Desktop configuration
  • "Favorites" objects
  • Tools (local, remote, invite de command prompt)
  • Tabs
  • MS Access Database

Betrifft auch folgende Software: IDEAL Remote
Letzte Änderung: 20/08/2014


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IDEAL Administration 25.1
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