FAQ : IDEAL Administration

Vereinfachte Verwaltung von Windows Active Directory-Domänen und Arbeitsgruppen über eine einzige Konsole

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By using this search engine, you can search one or more terms in the complete Pointdev FAQ.

  • In order to look for one or more keywords, type them in the search field using space to separate them.

    ex : remote control

    This search will show you every FAQ containing the word "remote" OR "control".

  • In order to look for a full sentence, use the quotes " " around your keywords
  • ex : "remote control"

    This search will show you every FAQ containing the whole word "remote control".

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General information

How and when can one reach your technical support team?

I'd like to know how can I reach your technical support team and what are your open hours?

Our technical support is reachable via email ( support@pointdev.com ), or web (http://www.pointdev.com/en/support) from monday to friday, from 08:00AM to 7:00PM, French Local Time.

Though, if you encounter a problem over the week-end while using IDEAL Migration (and if you're doing a real migration only), then our technical support will try to answer you ASAP.

Betrifft auch folgende Software: IDEAL Migration | IDEAL Dispatch | IDEAL Remote
Letzte Änderung: 09/10/2009


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FAQ : IDEAL Administration | IDEAL Dispatch | IDEAL Remote | IDEAL Migration

IDEAL Administration 25.1
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