FAQ : IDEAL Administration

Vereinfachte Verwaltung von Windows Active Directory-Domänen und Arbeitsgruppen über eine einzige Konsole

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 Titel und Inhalt
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What are the errors generally encountered by our software?

How to troubleshoot TightVNC error messages?

When using remote control with TightVNC, I get miscellaneous error messages. Some of them prevent me for establishing the remote connection, others occuring during the remote session and stopping right now the remote control.

What can I do ?

Try IDEAL Administration during 30 days on your network for free!

Optimize and Simplify your VNC Installation and Configuration with IDEAL Administration

Here is a list of the main error messages that could be obtained when using remote control with TightVNC, along with  the  procedure to be followed in order to resolve this issue.

If the problem still exists, please send an e-mail to  support@pointdev.com describing your networking environnement (product version, OS of your administrative box and of the remote bow, are the boxes on the same network or not, are they members of the same domain or not, etc...).

Betrifft auch folgende Software: IDEAL Remote
Letzte Änderung: 17/09/2019


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IDEAL Administration 25.1
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