FAQ : IDEAL Remote

Schnelle und sichere Fernsteuerung für Windows, Mac OS X und Linux

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Software License Information

How do I move my license to another computer?

I registered my software and activated the license on my current computer. Now I plan to use a newer and more efficient computer.

How do I move my license to this new computer?

Your license is physically bound to your computer.

  • Before you can use it on another computer, you must first remove it from your current machine.

Read more: How do I remove my registration key?

  • You can then uninstall the software from the "Add / Remove Programs" function in Windows.

NoteIf you uninstall the software without having removed your license, a message will inform you that you have first to deactivate it.

  • Once the removal of the license is complete, you can install the software on your new computer. When launching the software you can then enter your license to bind it physically to this machine.

Read more: How do I apply my registration key ?

Betrifft auch folgende Software: IDEAL Dispatch | IDEAL Administration
Letzte Änderung: 12/09/2019


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FAQ : IDEAL Administration | IDEAL Dispatch | IDEAL Remote | IDEAL Migration

IDEAL Remote 25.0
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