FAQ : IDEAL Administration

Simplify Windows Active Directory and Workgroup Management with a Single Console

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How to manage database inventories of Windows Active Directory Domain?

How to compact the MS Access IAx64.mdb (or IA.mdb) database?

I removed all the tables and so the datas from the IAx64.mdb database used by IDEAL Administration but its size keep unchanged! Is this expected?

How can I reduce its size?

What you observe is normal behaviour.
Actually, an MS Access file does not get smaller when one remove all its content.

In order to compact this file, here are two easy and quick solutions:

1- Launch MS Access and go to "Tools" / "Database Tool" / "Compact a database".

2- Launch IDEAL Administration or IDEAL Remote and use the menu Tools, Options, Database, Compact. A database compaction is scheduled during the next software run.

Last modification: 03/20/2025


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IDEAL Administration 25.1
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