FAQ : IDEAL Administration

Simplify Windows Active Directory and Workgroup Management with a Single Console

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Windows Active Directory object and security (ACL) migration

Can the various migrated objects be saved in a database?

I want to check what is going to be transferred from the old domain to the new, so I'd like to perform a "dry run" to obtain a list of what's being migrated. Ideally, I'd like to have this list in an Excel file or database file.

Can it be done?

Our software exports data (computers, groups, users, shares, etc.) using CSV format files.

These files are easy to import into databases or Excel for further use.

Important reminder: The number of computers/domains you can process when exporting is unlimited.

Also concerns the following software: IDEAL Migration
Last modification: 05/04/2009


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IDEAL Administration 25.1
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