FAQ : IDEAL Administration

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 Title and Content
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How to configure the TightVNC remote control tool (screen sharing)?

Why does the TightVNC Remote Control get stuck on copying files?

When I try to do a remote control with TightVNC on the client workstations of my network, your software gets stuck on the "Copying files in progress" window ...

How to correct the problem?

We have seen this problem with a few of our customers. This problem comes from the antivirus installed on your remote workstation, often at the domain level, which blocks the copying of files on the client workstations. Perhaps because the latter can be considered as false positives.

To check if the problem comes from there, deactivate your antivirus for a few minutes, and perform the remote control again.

If the problem is with your antivirus, you must authorize our applications in your Antivirus.

The programs to be authorized are:


All our programs are digitally signed to guarantee their origin (Name of the signatory: SARL POINTDEV).

Also concerns the following software: IDEAL Remote
Last modification: 04/26/2023


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IDEAL Administration 25.1
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