FAQ : IDEAL Alerter

Monitor, Alert and React on your Windows Servers and Stations

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    ex : remote control

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  • ex : "remote control"

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General Information

Can I update my current installation?

I'm currently using IDEAL Alerter version 1.3 and I'd like to update it. What do I need to check out?

When you buy IDEAL Alerter, you get access to our technical help service (support@pointdev.com) and this gives you free updates for a year.

Once this period has ended, if you want to update your version or continue accessing our technical support, you must renew your software maintenance. The fee for this is 30% of the cost of the number of licenses you hold.

It's all explained here: http://www.pointdev.com/en/ideal-alerter/price.php

Link for updating licenses: https://www.pointdev.com/en/order-estimate/order-cc.php?product=ial

To check out the expiration date of your current license, please select the menu ? then Registration software from the main menu. The date that counts is the one that appears in the area entitled Software registered on.

Last modification: 02/10/2010


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