
Give your opinion
Colombo Bank

I am a fan of Ideal Administrator. I started using it many years ago and love the diversity of A.D. tools, exchange tools, etc... It has made my job a whole lot easer working and managing the networks. Over the years you all have made many improvements and every Teck I show it loves it. David Newman
Consultantwork, LLC

IDEAL Remote is a great application to use for supporting our clients. Max Culp
East Newton R-6 School District

We are very pleased with your IDEAL Administration product and it has been very useful for our tech staff for managing our network. James Campbell
k-12 School District

I use Ideal Admin in a k-12 school district having over 2000 computers and 5000+ users. This program has made my job so much easier. I know there are free products to be found to access clients remotely, but none offer the security and functionality found in Ideal Admin.It is well worth the money. Good job! L. Healan

I use IDEAL Admin, it is great software. Krzysztof GRZADZIELA

I agree with the tucows website assessment of the Ideal Administrator. We have been using this product since late 2002 and it really helps to administer our network. Great product! Larry Austin MCSE, A+
Norfolk Southern

Many thanks. The Ideal Administration application makes our job so much easier. Maryellen Thompson
BC Cancer Research Centre

IDEAL Administration is our standard tool for the 400 users based Cancer Research facility. We use it for all the problems and tasks, such as hardware inventory, software compliance, user account management, and remote troubleshooting. Dubravko Pajalic

I have been using your product IDEAL Administration for a few years now and love it. It is a wonderful product and I recommend it to everybody I can. Jeffrey Doran

I have to say your product (IDEAL Administration) is one of the Best software we have ever used. Cheers to your team! Bob Story
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