FAQ : IDEAL Dispatch

Implementación y desinstalación de software de forma remota para Windows

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Some examples of deployments by using IDEAL Dispatch

Command Action: Generating a report using WMI functions

Example n°7: Generating a report using WMI functions

To generate a report listing the installed patches

You must configure the following arguments:

  • Select the type of action:   Command.
  • Enter the command: WMIC
  • Check the Arguments checkbox and enter: /output:"\\py\Admin$\List_%computername%_patches.htm" qfe list full /format:htable

"\\py\Admin$\List_%computername%_patches.htm" is the output file in HTML format.

The environmental variable %computername% makes it possible to generate a specific report by computer.

Última modificación: 16/04/2010


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