FAQ : IDEAL Administration

Administración simplificada de dominios de Windows Active Directory y grupos de trabajo desde una única consola

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Session and File Monitoring

How to monitor the sessions and open files?

I wish to monitor the sessions and the open files on all my file servers.

I know that your software called IDEAL Administration can do this, but I don't know how... Can you help me?



See below for a step by step configuration:

1. Verify that the IACtrl service (IA Analysing v2.0 or greater) is already installed on your local computer by opening the menu Monitoring\Settings. Click on the Install button. (If you don't see this button, the service is already installed.)

2. Display the service properties with the Monitoring, Service properties menu and use Logon as to select the start-up account. Important: This user account must be an Administrator of the analysed servers.

Set the Startup type to Automatic.

3. Configure the servers to be analysed by using the Monitoring, Settings menu. Select the server names. These must be displayed in the Analysed computers list.

4. Start the IACtrl service by clicking on the Start button.

5. IDEAL Administration logs all the open files and sessions in daily CSV files (for use with MS EXCEL or MS ACCESS): see either the Monitoring, Sessions or the Open files menu. By default, these files are saved   in the directory: \Pointdev\IDEAL Administration\Service.

The errors are also recorded in a CSV file and can be consulted by using the Monitoring, Sessions menu or the Open files, Manage, Log file menu.

Última modificación: 31/01/2023


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