FAQ : IDEAL Remote

Prise de contrôle à distance rapide et sécurisée pour Windows, Mac OS X et Linux

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 Dans le titre et le contenu
 Uniquement dans le titre

How to configure the TightVNC remote control tool (screen sharing)?

I can't install TightVNC on two of my remote computers, why?

I've managed to install TightVNC on all but two of my machines via your tool.

The first of these is an old Windows 95 machine used for an application that is not compatible with Windows 2000. The second is a web server for which administrative shares have been disabled in the registry for security reasons.

Can you please tell me why I can't get the installation to work?

As explained in the FAQ How do I install TightVNC on client machines?, you can't install TightVNC across the network onto a machine running Windows 9x/Me/XP Home.

To do so, you need to use our self-contained TightVNC + Zebedee installation program ( https://download.pointdev.com/free/IA_TightVNC_Zebedee.exe ).

As far as your web server goes, you can't install TightVNC across the network because administrative shares have been disabled.

Consequently, you have to either reactivate them temporarily - for the time the installation takes - or use our self-contained TightVNC + Zebedee installation program mentioned above.

Moreover, you need to have network based administrator privileges on the web server.

Concerne également les logiciels suivants : IDEAL Administration
Dernière modification : 30/03/2017


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IDEAL Remote 23.5
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