FAQ : IDEAL Remote

Prise de contrôle à distance rapide et sécurisée pour Windows, Mac OS X et Linux

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How to configure the TightVNC remote control tool (screen sharing)?

How to send CTRL+ALT+DEL with VNC or TightVNC to a remote computer?

Question 1:

I need to remote control a Windows 2008 server. TightVNC viewer connects to the server without any problem but when I press "CTRL+ALT+DEL", it brings up my local Windows panel and not the remote one.

What can I do to correct this behaviour?

Question 2:

I know how to send the "CTRL+ALT+DEL" sequence, but when I do this nothing happens.

What can I do ?

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Simplify your VNC Installation and Remote Control with IDEAL Administration

Answer 1:

You've got several solutions to send CTRL+ALT+DEL to the remote machine :

  • Press SHIFT + CTRL+ALT+DEL or
  • Press ALTGR + DEL or
  • Right click on the title of the TightVNC window and select Send Ctl-Alt-Del
  • Click on the button.

This tip applies for any remote server or workstation running Windows NT4, Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows XP Pro, Windows Vista and higher OS.

Answer 2:

  • If you use version 1.X of the remote control tool, please check on the remote host through the administration share ADMIN$ (C:\Windows) that the file "PointdevCAD.exe" exists in the "Pointdev\VNC" directory. This file is copied when you ask for a remote control with our software. If this file does not exist in the specified directory, a copy error occured. Please verify that any Firewall / Antivirus is not blocking or deleting this file. If you use version 2.X of the remote control tool, you do not have to check this point.
  • If the remote host is running Windows Vista (or later OS), please check on the Local Computer Policy, if the parameter controling  if software can simulate the Secure Attention Sequence (SAS) is enabled.

Please follow these steps (being logged as the domain or local administrator) :

-  "Start menu" -> "Execute" - > gpedit.msc

-  Navigate to "Computer Configuration" -> "Administrative Templates" -> "Windows Compoments" -> "Windows Logon Options"

-  Double-click on the "Disable or enable software Secure Attention Sequence" parameter.

- Check "Enable", then select "Services" in the combobox.

- Apply the modification.

It should not be necessary to reboot the computer, this modification is considered "on the fly".

You do not have to worry with UAC anymore, it can be enabled as well as disabled on the remote host.

  • Note that if you are in a domain and according to the number of target computers,  it can be useful to create a GPO on your domain controller.

Please follow these steps  (being logged as the domain administrator) :

- "Start menu" -> "Execute" - > gpmc.msc

- In the left view, select the desired domain, then right click and choose "Create a GPO in this domain, and link it here ..."

- Right click the new GPO, then "Edit"

- Navigate to "Computer Configuration" -> "Administrative Templates" -> "Windows Compoments" -> "Windows Logon Options".

- Double-click on the "Disable or enable software Secure Attention Sequence" parameter.

- Check "Enable", then select "Services" in the combobox.

- Apply the modification.

This GPO will be applied on all computers that are connected to the domain. To activate this rule, it should be necessary to reboot the computers.

  • If the problem has still not been resolved, some files libraries may be corrupted or missing on the remote host. Please download "Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5" to update your current installation. Save this file and update the .Net Framework on the remote host. Once it has been updated, it may be necessary to reboot the computer.

Concerne également les logiciels suivants : IDEAL Administration
Dernière modification : 07/11/2019


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