FAQ : IDEAL Remote

Prise de contrôle à distance rapide et sécurisée pour Windows, Mac OS X et Linux

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    ex : adresse ip

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 Dans le titre et le contenu
 Uniquement dans le titre

How to configure the TightVNC remote control tool (screen sharing)?

How to troubleshoot "The connection could not be established because the protocol is unknown (xxx)" message?

When i try to launch the remote control with TightVNC, I get the "The connection could not be established because the protocol is unknown (xxx)" message, and I can't take the control of the remote host.

What can i do ?

Try IDEAL Administration during 30 days on your network for free!

Simplify your VNC Installation and Remote Control with IDEAL Administration


A third software (for example UltraVNC) seems to use the same default port than the one used by TightVNC.

Please try to change this number (with IDEAL Administration or IDEAL Remote) by using the right click on the remote computer, Remote control, \ Configure \ Connection tab).

If the ‘Auto’ box is checked, the 5900 port is used by default. Try to enter another number, for example 5901 and then relaunch the remote control.

You can also remove the VNC software installed on the remote computer to stop conflicts.

Concerne également les logiciels suivants : IDEAL Administration
Dernière modification : 17/09/2019


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IDEAL Remote 23.5
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