FAQ : IDEAL Remote

Prise de contrôle à distance rapide et sécurisée pour Windows, Mac OS X et Linux

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 Dans le titre et le contenu
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How to configure the TightVNC remote control tool (screen sharing)?

How to troubleshoot "SESSION_HAS_VALID_POOL_ON_EXIT" message?

For some time, I get a "blue screen" with the "SESSION_HAS_VALID_POOL_ON_EXIT" message, when I log off or switch user on the remote host.

Then, the TightVNC remote control  is closed, and the remote host restarts.

What can I do ?

This issue may occur on some remote hosts (according to their configurations/OS), when the DFMirage mirror video driver is installed, and when changing the user session.

Indeed, this driver notably providing the management of transparency effects under Vista OS and Office 2007 may encounter according to the OS a problem when allocating/disallocating memory.

To fix this problem, please verify first if the DFMirage video driver is installed on the remote host (look for the "Mirage Driver" entry by opening "Device Manager" -> "Display adapters").

Then we advise you to get the last corrective updates and Service Pack relating to the OS of the remote host.

Next a driver update is required. Currently this update is not directly built in on the TightVNC viewer, the installation is not launched via an executable file and is manual , but the following installation process is quite simple though :

- First of all download the DFMirage corrective version then unzip/extract files to a directory.

- Then open the "Control Panel" -> 'Add Hardware' -> "Yes, i have already connected the hardware" -> "Add a new hardware device" -> "Install the hardware that I manually select from a list (Advanced)

(Under Windows 7 OS this wizard can be launched by executing the "hdwwiz" command).

- After having clicked on "Display Adpaters" -> "Have disk ..." you will have to selecth the path were you unpacked the zip file. Then complete the installation.

A reboot on the remote host could then be required.

If this issue has not been resolved by this procedure, we then advise you to fully uninstall the DFMirage video driver and get back to a "classical" configuration.

Concerne également les logiciels suivants : IDEAL Administration
Dernière modification : 17/09/2019


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IDEAL Remote 23.5
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