FAQ : IDEAL Administration

Gestione semplificata per domini di Windows Active Directory e gruppi di lavoro da un'unica console

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 Titolo e contenuto
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How to copy user account passwords between Windows servers or stations?

Can users be migrated along with their passwords?

I need to copy 50 users from a test server to a production server. Does IDEAL Administration also let me transfer their passwords?

Provided your copy of IDEAL Administration has been registered, you can do this without any problem.

To do so:

1- choose the "Advanced Mode" menu and select "Retrieve user accounts" so as to recover the accounts from the test server

2- choose the "Advanced Mode" menu and select "Add/modify user accounts" so as to recreate these users on the production server.

Ultima modifica: 04/05/2009


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IDEAL Administration 25.1
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