FAQ : IDEAL Remote

Быстрое и безопасное удаленное управление для Windows, Mac OS X и Linux

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 Название и содержание

How to remotely manage your Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 or Windows 11 client workstations?

Why scheduled tasks of remote stations are not listed in your software?

Hello, Since the update of certain client workstations under Windows 10 (or higher), the scheduled tasks are no longer listed in IDEAL Administration (or IDEAL Remote). How to correct this problem?

Since Windows 10 (or higher), it is necessary to activate a rule in the firewall to be able to manage the scheduled tasks remotely: Remote management of scheduled tasks (RPC).

We recommend that you set up a GPO in order to activate this rule on all the client and server workstations in your Active Directory domain.

Также касается следующего программного обеспечения: IDEAL Administration
Последняя модификация: 16/05/2022


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